ECNP School in Precision Psychiatry

Clinical, -omics and imaging biomarkers of complex psychiatric disorders

28-30 April 2025

By the ECNP Network on Pharmacogenomics and transcriptomics
& the ECNP Network on Suicide Research and Prevention

Psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior are the result of complex interactions between genomic variations, epigenetic modifications, and other regulatory mechanisms that affect gene expression. Understanding the mechanisms underlying gene expression may not only help in diagnosis and prediction of treatment response but also provide valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms of drug’s action.
Using, for example, co-expression network analysis-based methods, disease-relevant clusters of co-regulated genes can be identified and further integrated with genetic and epigenetic data for a comprehensive investigation of biological underpinnings of mental illness and for predicting psychiatric disorders and suicide risk.

This summer school will focus on the in tegration of clinical, imaging, and genetics/omics biomarkers to diagnose and improve pharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders and related conditions including suicidal behaviors.
It aims to blend clinical psychiatry with molecular genetics and transcriptomics through theoretical sessions and practical workshops, data management, analysis, and interpretation for psychiatric conditions and traits, including major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and suicidality…

Target audience:

ECNP members and non-members. PhD students, early career, clinician researchers, senior scientists etc.
Please note that some prior knowledge of the programming language R is recommended (elementary knowledge and onwards).

Application requirements:

– CV and motivation letter
– Recommendation (head of department)
– Application form to download here: Summerschoool Application-form

Registration fee:
300€ per participant: All fees & Accomodation included.
Transportation not included (travel award available)

Venue: CARF (Centre d’Appui à la Recherche et à la Formation)
See on Google map


By car :
Closest accesses are :
– 40 rue Albert Marquet
– or 14 rue Eugène Jacquet

By tram :
Tram A
(Tram stop: Saint-Augustin or François Mitterrand)

By bus :
Bus 24, 55 (Bus stop: Campus Carreire)
Bus 8, 20, 73 ,80
(Bus stop: Bordeaux Carreire)

N 44.82459°  W -0.60799°

Keynote Speakers:

Martina Arenella, King’s College London, UK
Bernhard Baune
, University of Münster, Germany
Francesco Benedetti, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
Chris Bervoets, Department of Psychiatry, University Psychiatric Center KU Leuven, Belgium
Lejla Colic, Jena University Hospital, Jena, Germany
Mara Dierssen, CRG, Barcelona, Spain
Giuseppe Fanelli, University of Bologna, Italy
Xenia Gonda, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Lalit Kaurani, DZNE-Göttingen, Germany
Toni Lange, University of Münster, Germany
François-Xavier Lejeune, Paris Brain Institute, France
Alessandra Minelli
, University of Brescia, Italy
Claudia Pisanu
, Cagliari University, Italy
Marie-Claude Potier
, Paris Brain Institute, France
Alessandro Serretti
, Kore University of Enna, Italy
Alessio Squassina
, Cagliari University, Italy
Evelien Van Assche
, University of Münster, Germany