Development and plasticity of the nervous system critically depends on the neuronal cytoskeleton. The organization and dynamic remodeling of the neuronal cytoskeleton contributes to all morphological and functional changes in neurons, including migration, polarization, axon outgrowth, dendrite development and synapse formation. The neuronal cytoskeleton provides tracks for intracellular transport, sets up local cues to position organelles, acts as a signaling device and generates cellular forces that are fundamental to all aspects of neuronal function. Cytoskeleton remodeling and axonal trafficking have emerged as one of the most exciting and rapidly moving fields in cellular neurobiology. This field is experiencing a revolution in molecular, genetic and imaging technologies for analysing the dynamics of these processes during neuronal development and plasticity. The study of the molecular mechanisms of cytoskeletal dynamics and neuronal trafficking are also key to understanding what goes wrong in many neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases.
In this training course, we are excited to provide a forum to present the most recent findings in the field of neuronal cytoskeleton and trafficking, and provide advanced training to a new generation of neuroscientists. This will be achieved in three ways: 1) keynote lectures of world-renown experts in the neuronal cytoskeleton and trafficking field; 2) lectures by young investigators to provide knowledge to the participants about the latest developments in the field, including methodologies and; 3) experimental mini-projects.
The training course will focus on the following topics: cytoskeleton dynamics, axonal transport, growth cone migration, neuronal plasticity, synaptogenesis, neurodegeneration and regeneration.
Director & co-directors
- Casper Hoogenraad (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
- Monica Sousa (Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Porto, Portugal)
- Olivier Thoumine (Bordeaux Neurocampus, France)
Adna Dumitrescu (UK)
Alexandre Favereaux (France)
Andreas Prokop (UK)
Christophe Leterrier (France)
Corette Wierenga (The Netherlands)
David Perrais (France)
Etienne Herzog (France)
Fernando Mar (Portugal)
Gregory Giannone (France)
Harold MacGillavry (The Netherlands)
Julien Falk (France)
Laura Sayas (Spain)
Lukas Kapitein (The Netherlands)
Martin Harterink (The Netherlands)
Martin Heine (Germany)
Mireille Montcouquiol (France)
Natalia Sanchez-Soriano (UK)
Pirta Hotulainen (Finland)
Sebastian Dupraz (Germany)
Silvio Rizzoli (Germany)
Vincent Studer (France)
- Spine dynamics
- Synapse formation
- Axon outgrowth
- Growth cone migration and guidance
- Cytoskeleton in axons
- Cytoskeleton organization in the axon initial segment
- Neuronal polarity
- Axonal and dendritic transport
- Axon Degeneration
- Axon Regeneration
Keynote speakers
Vann Bennett (Duke University, USA)
Pico Caroni (Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland)
Valérie Castellani (Institut NeuroMyoGène, France)
Carlos Dotti (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
James Fawcett (Cambridge University, UK)
Volker Haucke (Berlin Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie, Germany)
Christian Lohmann (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience in Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Eva Mandelkow (Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, Germany)
Villu Maricq (University of Utah, USA)
Jeroen Pasterkamp (University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Jan Pielage (Friedrich Miescher Institute, Switzerland)
Matthijs Verhage, Center for Neurogenomics & Cognitive Research, The Netherlands)
Rafael Yuste (Columbia University, USA)